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Additional Resources
The following programs were included in the CAEP 2021 Accreditation review:
Initial Programs [Class B Collaborative Special Education Teacher (K-6), Class B Collaborative Special Education Teacher (6-12), Class B Early Childhood Education (P-3), Class B Early Childhood Special Education (P-3), Class B Elementary Education (K-6), Class B General Science (6-12), Class B General Social Studies (6-12), Class B Mathematics (6-12), Alternative Class A Biology (6-12), Alternative Class A Collaborative Special Education (K-6), Alternative Class A Collaborative Special Education (6-12), Alternative Class A Early Childhood Special Education (P-3), Alternative Class A Elementary Education (K-6), Alternative class A General Science (6-12), Alternative Class A General Social Studies (6-12), Alternative Class A History (6-12), Alternative Class A Mathematics (6-12), Alternative Class A Visual Arts (P-12)]
Advanced Programs [Class A and AA Collaborative Special Education Teacher (K-6), Class A and AA Collaborative Special Education Teacher (6-12), Class A and AA Elementary Education (K-6), Class A and AA Early Childhood, Class A and AA in Instructional Leadership, Class A and AA Physical Education, Class A Sport Management, Class A and AA School Counseling, Class A and AA in Secondary Education: English Language Arts (6-12), General Science (6-12), Mathematics (6-12), Social Sciences (6-12)]
The College of Education’s assessment system features data collection from a variety of sources including performance assessments and satisfaction surveys. Systematic analysis of these data sources drive continuous improvement in the College of Education’s teacher preparation programs.
The AUM College of Education recognizes that the development of a competent, committed, and reflective educator means the development of a Professional Educator.
Candidate Performance Data
In compliance with CAEP accreditation requirements, each Education Preparation Provider (EPP) is required to provide the public with indicators of program outcome and impact. These indicators serve as an accreditation resource for monitoring AUM’s performance as compared to established benchmarks. At the same time, the following reported measures provide prospective candidates, policymakers, the media, and CAEP with evidence of our completers’ performance in P-12 schools and consumer information associated with program outcome.
Due to the impact of COVID-19, the U.S. Department of Education (USDOE) issued a waiver to Alabama on June 9, 2021 waiving the requirement of reporting accountability results for the 2020-2021 school year. No data was available for the EPP to report both initial and advanced programs for the 2020-2021 academic cycle. The Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE) discontinued the STAR assessment that had been used as our data source. Therefore, data was not provided for the 2021-2022 year.
The EPP has determined to develop a completer case study process beginning in Fall 2024. In order to gather relevant data from across the programs, a cadence of which graduates will be included will be determined by which program they completed. The EPPs goal is to have a strong representative set of data across the various programs to determine any changes that need to be instituted to improve effectiveness. The case study will focus on students who take positions within the local region with partners school districts. The EPP is currently developing a methodology for collecting data that will include the creation of observation protocols and rubrics, interview protocols, and the types of key documents that may be collected to best demonstrate completer effectiveness. The case study process will be piloted in Fall 2024 with the goal of full implementation for Spring 2025.
The employer satisfaction survey evaluated the same items assessed by first-year completers and consists of 21 items based on the InTASC Learning Progressions and five indicators specific to Alabama. The survey was administered by the ALSDE and data analyzed and reported to the College of Education. The EPP utilized an EPP created survey to obtain employer satisfaction for Advanced completers.
The EPP constructed an employer satisfaction survey for advanced programs that was implemented in Spring 2023. However, collection of data for the survey was unsuccessful due to internal technological challenges. The EPP is currently revising the employer satisfaction survey for advanced programs with the goal of implementing a pilot in Fall 2024 with full implementation in Spring 2025.
The College of Education at AUM utilizes multiple measures to measure candidates’ competency at completion. The combination includes an EPP-created measure (AUM Common Internship Rubric) and proprietary measures required by the state for certification (edTPA and PRAXIS). Descriptions of each assessments are provided below.
The EPP is in the process of customizing the assessment instruments for competency at completion for Advanced programs. Permission was granted in August 2022 to utilize and adapt proprietary instruments. The EPP will report this data after the survey is completed and distributed.
The ALACTE New Teacher Survey is administered to initial certification completers in their first year of employment. This data was requested from the Alabama State Department of Education but has not been provided for 2023-24 at this time. Therefore, we conducted an internal survey of our graduates from the past three years.
The EPP is currently developing a new survey that we will send out to our completers to determine if they have indeed been hired in the positions for which they have been prepared (initial) or have shifted to another position if applicable (advanced). The new survey will be pilot tested in Fall 2024 with the intention of full implementation in Spring 2025.
External Reports
Title II of the Higher Education Act requires schools of education to submit annual reports on the quality of teacher preparation in initial teacher certification programs. Reporting is for candidates who complete either a B.S. in initial teaching programs or an M.Ed. in initial teaching programs. The reporting period is September 1–August 31.
These reports include information on:
States in turn are required to report to the U.S. Department of Education information on certification and licensure requirements, pass rates on state assessments disaggregated and ranked by institution, and other information. The state reports are accessible through the Web at https://title2.ed.gov/View.asp.
Alabama State Department of Education Admissions (ALSDE)
The Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE) requires colleges/schools of education to submit annual reports on the number of candidates unconditionally admitted to each State approved program. The reporting period is September 1 – August 31.
Educator Preparation (EPP) Annual Report, and NCATE Annual Report
NCATE 2013-2014
Institutional Report (IR) (Exhibits referenced in the IR are not posted due to large file size.)
Offsite Board of Examiners (BOE Report)