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Academic Advising
Academic advising is a teaching and learning process designed to help you understand the meaning and purpose of higher education and develop goals that reflect your interests, values, and abilities.
AUM academic advisors are committed to helping you make the most of your college experience. They’ll help you explore your academic interests, teach you how to plan your education, and refer you to campus resources designed to meet your needs. Meetings with your advisor are private and will provide you with the information you need for a successful academic career.
Registering for Classes
At AUM, you are required to meet with your academic advisor before you can register for classes. All new students (freshman and transfer) must attend New Student Orientation, where they will meet their academic advisor and register for classes on site. Current and returning students may meet with their advisor at any time during the year to discuss classes for the next semester.
In the advising appointment, you and your academic advisor will work together to select courses that are relevant to your purpose of study. When those courses have been identified, you will receive a personal identification number (PIN) that allows you to register for classes during the appropriate registration period. Information regarding registration periods can be found on the Academic Calendar.
Locating Your Advisor
Students who have decided on a degree to pursue can locate their advisor by clicking on the College links below:
College of Business Advising
College of Education Advising
College of Nursing & Health Sciences Advising
College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Advising
College of Sciences Advising
Students wanting to explore degree options before declaring a major are advised by Ms. Smith in the Office of Central Advising.

Kennedy Quick Smith
Academic Advisor- Interdisciplinary Studies, Exploratory/Undeclared, Chemistry, Mathematics, Pre-Engineering, Geographic Information Systems

Kennedy Quick Smith
Academic Advisor- Interdisciplinary Studies, Exploratory/Undeclared, Chemistry, Mathematics, Pre-Engineering, Geographic Information Systems | University College
Bridge Program
Students in the Bridge Program are advised by Ar’Shundra Hampton in the Warhawk Academic Success Center.

Ar'Shundra Hampton
Bridge Program Manager
Unclassified, Audit, & Transient Students
Unclassified, Audit, and Transient students are advised through the Warhawk Academic Success Center.

Dwight Gulley
Student Retention Coordinator
Dual Enrollment
Upon admission to AUM, all Dual Enrollment students are advised by Dr. Dwight Gulley in the Warhawk Academic Success Center.

Dwight Gulley
Student Retention Coordinator
Additional Student Resources
First generation students are the first in their household to attend college. All first generation students are advised by their major or program advisor and receive additional assistance from faculty, staff, and students through the First Generation Warhawk program.
Honors students are those who apply and are accepted to the University Honors Program and remain in good standing by maintaining a 3.4 GPA or better and fulfill the service requirements.
Honor students are advised by their major advisor on requirements for their majors and by Honors faculty or staff on fulfilling Honors requirements.
Honors students receive focused assistance from faculty and staff of the University Honors Program.
An international student is someone who is enrolled at an institution of higher education in the United States and is not a U.S. citizen, immigrant (permanent resident), or refugee. International students may hold student visas (F), exchange visitor visas (J), or vocational training visas (M).
All fully admitted international students are advised by their major or program advisor.
All international students receive focused assistance from the Office of Global Initiatives.
Military affiliated students are those who enroll and meet one of the following criteria:
All students with a military affiliation are advised by their major or program advisor and receive focused assistance from the Veteran & Military Resource Center (VMRC).
A pre-professional student is someone who plans to pursue education beyond undergraduate studies to become a healthcare, legal, or other specialized professional.
Pre-professional concentrations, such as pre-med, pre-pharmacy, or pre-law, are used by the university to help you complete the pre-requisite courses you need to achieve your academic goals. Pre-professional students have the option to choose a concentration, but they must declare a major, such as Biology, Chemistry, or Political Science in order to earn a degree.
All pre-professional students are advised by their major or program advisor and receive focused assistance from the Pre-Professional Support Team.
A student-athlete is any student enrolled at an educational institution who participates in an organized competitive sport sponsored by that educational institution.
All student-athletes are advised by their major or program advisor and receive dedicated academic success coaching through the Office of Central Advising.
Students who provide current documentation from a qualified provider may qualify for academic or program accommodations. Students who receive accommodations are advised by their major or program advisor and receive specialized support through the Center for Disability Services.
A transfer student is someone who enrolls in a university or school after having previously been enrolled at a different university or school. Upon enrollment, all transfer students are advised by their major or program advisor.