A University in Motion. Apply now!
Get a Proper Introduction to the AUM Community!
The Office of Orientation and Transitions is here to help you get to know the program, services and resources that will position you for academic success and involvement in a diverse and vibrant campus community. New student orientation is an energizing, one-day event that is required for all new AUM students including first-time students, freshman transfer students and other transfer students. At orientation, you will:
Successful Warhawks Orientation and Transition Team (S.W.O.T.)
The S.W.O.T. Team is composed of AUM Student Leaders on a mission to make the AUM Orientation experience a success. The selection process and trainings are intense, but the work is fun! The mission of S.W.O.T. is to transfer their AUM campus knowledge to incoming freshman, transfer and international students, both traditional and non-traditional. S.W.O.T. members are reinforcing the decision to attend AUM while reminding prospective students that the college experience is what they make of it. S.W.O.T. provides a diverse and educational environment for incoming students by being ambassadors for AUM’s student population and introducing students to college life by fostering the spirit of AUM in the community. S.W.O.T. Team is a paid position. For more information, contact [email protected] or visit the AUM Orientation Facebook Page!
Frequently Asked Questions & Answers
The purpose of orientation is to provide a preview of Auburn University at Montgomery and register for classes.
Yes, Orientation is mandatory for all new degree-seeking students at AUM. You must attend an orientation session in order to register for classes. If you cannot attend Orientation due to an extenuating circumstance, we ask that you inform the Office of Orientation and Transitions. All students will be assessed the $125 Orientation Fee on their first tuition bill. The fee is not paid at or prior to orientation.
You are required to attend to get acclimated to campus as well as register for class.
While you can certainly register to attend Orientation and reserve your spot, you do have to be admitted to AUM prior to attending Orientation. The Office of Admissions can assist you with being admitted to AUM prior to your Orientation session, please call 334-244-3615 for admissions assistance. Students who are not admitted on the day of their scheduled Orientation will not be allowed to register for classes at Orientation.
You may change your Orientation date provided that another Orientation date session is still available. There is no charge for making this change.
You will need your S-Number to change the date.
Orientation fees cover your materials at Orientation, meals at Orientation, and programming for both Orientation and events during your first year at AUM.
If special assistance or auxiliary aids are needed to accommodate a disability, please contact the Center for Disability Services (CDS) at AUM 334-244-3631 or [email protected] to discuss any accommodations at least two weeks prior to your Orientation session.
Yes. Please contact the Center for Disability Services (CDS) at AUM 334-244-3631 or [email protected] to discuss accommodations at least one week prior to Orientation in order to ensure full participation with no inconvenience.
We feel that it is important for you to feel as comfortable as possible; however, AUM Orientation is set up to cater to new students and their parents/guests. If a friend comes with you, they would partake in our parent/guest program while you attend the student program.
Our groups are divided by wristband colors. Colors are specific to advising groups. While majority of the day is spent as one large group, during those times we do divide up, it is important that each person follow their assigned group to ensure they meet with the correct advisor to register for classes.
No. Orientation is designed to be a productive preview and registration experience, and you’re required to check in on time and attend all Orientation events. Orientation sessions will end as soon as your registration process has been completed after lunch.
Yes, you can change your major at Orientation, but it is preferred for you to change it prior to Orientation. If you need assistance, contact us at [email protected].
You will receive attention from faculty or academic advisors in your major area of study. Academic advisement will prepare you to choose courses and to create a class schedule that fits into your academic plan at AUM.
Orientation is meant to be an independent experience for students. It is important that you understand the requirements of your academic major since your success is ultimately up to you. For that reason, you will go to your academic advisement session on your own. Your parents will have opportunities to hear from faculty and staff during the parent/guest program so their questions and concerns can be addressed.
Yes. Residence hall tours are available during the Wrap Up session at Orientation. If you are unable to take a tour during your Orientation session, contact the Housing and Residence Life Office at 334-244-3572.
Yes, a representative from Financial Aid will be available to answer individual questions in the Financial Aid Office located in the Taylor Center on the first floor.
You will not have to pay tuition or any of your other student fees at Orientation. However, you will have time to stop by Office of Student Accounts if you would like to set up a payment plan or discuss your bill.
For more information about orientation, contact the Office of Orientation and Transitions at 334-394-5521.

Leon Higdon
Dean of Students