A University in Motion. Apply now!
Auburn University at Montgomery students have many opportunities to advance their leadership skills and support student initiatives across the university. From Student Government to the Campus Activity Board to the Orange Jacket Society, there is a place for everyone to participate and build lifelong friendships and networks. Read below and become a part of the success of AUM.
Leadership Positions
Orange Jacket Society
Meet the Current OJS Members
Request Orange Jacket Society
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Campus Activities Board Executive Board
The Auburn University at Montgomery Campus Activity Board (CAB) provides a wide range of events and programs to enhance and enrich the social and educational experience of Warhawks. Activities sponsored by CAB have included a wide range of events including:
The entertainment and community built by the CAB is one that resonates throughout campus and throughout the year. Need more information? Feel free to reach out to any Campus Activity Board Member or attend meetings.
Campus Activities Board
The Campus Activities Board (CAB) provides a wide range of events and programs to enhance and enrich the social and educational experience of Warhawks. Activities sponsored by CAB have included a wide range of events including Silent Discos, Blacklight Golf, Movie Nights, Color Runs, and speaker engagements, and so much more. The entertainment and community built by the CAB is one that resonates throughout campus and throughout the year.
Become a Member of the Campus Activities Board
Want to get involved? Are you a creative mind who wants to start planning events and creating activities that appeal to the study body?
The opportunities available through the AUM CAB are many. This organization is student-led for students and their entertainment. As a member of CAB, you can engage and hone your leadership skills, while creating events that are impactful, promote retention, and create an experience for all students. Become a part of the only organization on campus that is dedicated to building the student campus experience.
Join us! Applications to join CAB open for general body members at the beginning of Fall semester each year. Applications for executive board positions are due at the end of Spring semester for the following academic year. Contact the CAB Director for more information and to pick up an application!
Applications Now Accepted.
Applications are now being accepted through April 15 for the Campus Activity Board.
CAB Executive
Francisca Arroyo
Tamara Cross
Nyla Williams
Membership Coordinator
Jamiah Files
Public Relations Coordinator, Logistics Coordinator
Contact CAB
Please email [email protected] or visit Warhawk Alley on the first floor of Taylor Center if you have questions.
Student Government Association
The College of Business Ambassadors are an elite group of outstanding students selected to participate in the extracurricular activities of the college. Students are selected from the Dean’s list and must maintain a 3.2 accumulative GPA based on full time study. For more information call 334-244-3398.
SGA Executive
Emma Jankowski
Nathan Lochte
Vice President
Amber Mann
Sydney Tait
Will be Filled Fall 2024
Chief Justice
Student Government Association
The Student Government Association serves as the voice of the student body and a liaison between students and the administration. Its purpose is to enhance student life, both academically and socially, through activities and programs led by students for students.
The SGA is composed of AUM students of all majors and class rankings. We serve the university by representing the entire spectrum of the student body, organizing and directing student concerns through the proper channels, while working to provide students with the resources they need to succeed.
The SGA is here for you. For more information, please contact us at [email protected].
Information regarding elections of SGA officials will be made available to the entire student population in the Spring of each year. For more information, contact Student Affairs at [email protected].