As a function of the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at Auburn University at Montgomery, the AUM Poll surveys Alabamians to generate public knowledge of Alabama voters’ preferences regarding political candidates and public policies. It is the only non-partisan, non-special interest polling organization in the state with such a focus. The AUM Poll’s work is provided as a public service using state-of-the-art surveying methods and polling topics are chosen to reflect salient public issues of interest to Alabamians.
The links below provide top-line results from the most recent AUM polls. If using these data, please cite accordingly: “Poll Title.” AUM Poll, Auburn University at Montgomery.
The AUM Poll gathers survey data using Amazon’s Mechanical Turk—an online, opt-in environment. Individual responses are weighted using iterative, post-stratification statistical methods based upon demographic factors of the target population like age, gender, race, and education. All surveys are approved by the AUM Institutional Review Boardbefore they are implemented.
Student Opportunities
The AUM Poll offers AUM students a unique, hands-on opportunity to learn and execute the best practices of survey research and data analysis. Undergraduate students may gain such experience by enrolling in Survey Research Experience (POLS 4820) and graduate students may take POLS 6972 . No prerequisites are required for enrollment and students from other areas of study may participate.
About the Director
Dr. David Hughes is an assistant professor in AUM’s Department of Political Science and Public Administration where he has been a faculty member since 2016. His research and teaching interests include the politics of the American judiciary, southern politics, and research methodology. His work on American politics has been published widely in peer-reviewed academic journals such as Political Behavior, Political Research Quarterly, and the Journal of Law and Courts. At AUM, he teaches courses on judicial politics, southern politics, applied game theory, and research methodology. He earned his bachelor’s degree in history and political science from the University of Montevallo and earned his doctorate in political science from the University of Georgia.
For questions about the AUM Poll
Department of Political Science and Public Administration
Auburn University at Montgomery 334-244-3594
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