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Research and Creative Activity Funding

The Experiential Education and Engagement Center and the Office of the Provost are offering funding for faculty-led research opportunities. To learn more about applying for undergraduate research and creative activity funding, please review the documents below.

Made Possible by Students Like You

Celebration of Research and Creative Activity

The annual Celebration of Research and Creative Activity highlights the work of students from all five of AUM’s Colleges. This celebration allows students to present posters and oral presentations about their research to faculty, staff, and fellow students.

Your Next Opportunity

Funded Research Projects

If you have any further questions, email us at [email protected].

Agnitra Roy Choudhury
  • Economic Impact Analysis of the Coosa River Region
  • Licensing for Physician and Non-Physician Health Care Professionals: Constructing a Cross Country Data Base
John Hutchinson
  • Studies Towards the Synthesis of Ralfuranones A, B, and I
  • Continued Studies towards the Ralfuranones
Amber Sutton
Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work
  • Helping the Helpers: An Evaluation of a Support Group for IPV Advocates in Alabama
Justin Bagley
Biology and Environmental Science
  • Demography of Western Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis: Poeciliidae) populations in Central Alabama
Angela Russell
  • Bingocize in Physical Education
Keith Krawszynski
History and World Cultures
  • Pintala Oral History Project
Ann Marie O’Neill
Biology and Environmental Science
  • Development of a Cancer Macrophage Fusion Hybrid Model
Kent Quaney
English and Philosophy
  • THAT Literary Review
  • Thirteen Bridges
Benedict Okeke
Biology and Environmental Science
  • Screening of Soil Microorganisms for Extracellular L-Asparaginase Production
Kim Pyszka and LisaMarie Malischke
Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work
  • AUM Archaeology Collections Project
Claudia Stein
Biology and Environmental Science
  • Screening Plant and Soil Microbial Communities in Native Prairie Ecosystems
  • The Role of Plant and Soil Microbial Diversity in Shaping Prairie Communities under Drought
  • How Does Snail Herbivory Affect Native and Exotic Tree Species?
  • Student Research Trip to WashU’s Tyson Research Center
  • Longleaf Pine Savannah Restoration
  • Student Participation at the Ecological Society of America Meeting
  • Student Participation at the ABRCMS Meeting
  • Assessing the Potential of Kudzu Associated Root Endophytes to Promote Crop Growth
  • Georeferencing the AUM Herbarium Collection
Lee Farrow
English and Philosophy
  • Emmeline Pankhurst in Russia and the International Intersections of Feminism and Communism, 1917-1933
Chelsea Neeley
Early Learning Center
  • Pre-K and Primary Physical Education: Brain Pump for Younger Children
Neil Seibel and Samuel Wallace
  • Southeastern Theatre Conference 2024 Convention Student Presentations
Chelsea Ward and Breuna Baine
Biology and Environmental Science and Fine Arts
  • Mentoring Design
Nicholas Bourke
Curriculum, Instruction, & Technology
  • Utilizing Cooperative Group Structures in Environmental Education
  • Kagan Cooperative Learning in Elementary Science Education (continuation)
  • Sustainable Agricultural Education: Impacts of an Overnight Field Trip on Visiting Students
Catherine Gooch and Seth Reno
English and Philosophy
  • Montgomery Civil Rights History, Literature, and Art
Nicholas Howard
Political Science and Public Administration
  • Seeing the Message? TV Advertising in State-Wide Primary Elections
Breuna Baine
Fine Arts
  • Shady Street Trailhead and Park Wayfinding System
Pete Haddix
Biology and Environmental Science
  • Effects of Energy-Modulating Compounds on Respiratory Metabolism and Growth of Serratia Marcescens
David Hughes
Political Science
  • The Racial Integration of the Alabama Bench
  • Redistricting and Dueling Incumbency in Alabama’s First Congressional District
Randy Russell
  • A Program of Solar Radiation and Cloud Measurements
David Ro
  • Protective Role of Mammalian Setrin2 against Arsenic-Induced Cytotoxicity
Ruonan Zhang
  • Crisis Communication Strategies for Brands in the Age of Cancel Culture
  • The Effects of Vlogs on Audience Loyalty with YouTubers
Duk Kim
  • Investigation on the Suppression of ROS by Beverages
Samantha Junkin
Curriculum, Instruction, & Technology
  • Little Free Library Project
Erin Reilly
  • The Effect of Neuromotor Exercise on Cognition and Physical Ability in Pre-school-aged Children
  • Get Moving with Move Mats
  • Professional Conference Presentation: Brain Pump
  • Teaching Urban Line Dancing to Secondary Level Students
  • Urban Line Dancing for Fun and Fitness – National Conference Presentation
Semih Dinc
Computer Science
  • Vision and Depth-Based Trajectory for Mobile Robots
Flor Breitman
Biology and Environmental Science
  • Ocean Genes
  • Biomechanics of Octopus Arm Movement During Swimming
Seth Reno
English and Philosophy
  • Creative-Research Trip to the Montgomery Zoo
  • Environmental Humanities and Environmental Justice
Flor Breitman and Justin Bagley
Biology and Environmental Science
  • Discovering reptile and amphibian diversity in AUM’s urban forest
  • Reptile and amphibian inventory of AUM’s urban forest
Tami Shelley
Curriculum, Instruction, & Technology
  • The Importance of Design and Selection of Equipment in Early Childhood Education Center Areas
Gina Allen and Amber Sutton
Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work
  • Trauma-Informed Supervision – Strengthening the Supervisory Relationship by Creating Collaborative Environments for Employees
Tracey Bark
Political Science and Public Administration
  • Talking at Parties: Bureaucratic Language in Response to Party Control Changes
Grzegorz Ciesielski
  • Identification of novel substrate for the Tid1-based quality control system in human mitochondria
  • Undergraduate Research Symposium
  • The Role of Molecular Chaperone Tid1 in Prevention of Deletions in Human Mitochondrial DNA (continuation)
  • Students Trip to the ASBMB conference 2022 (April 2-5)
Valeria Winkelman
  • Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival
Heather Witcher
English and Philosophy
  • Michael Field Diaries Archive
  • THAT Camp
Vanessa Koelling
Biology and Environmental Science
  • Digitizing the AUM Herbarium: A Valuable Resource for Biodiversity Information
Jan Hogan
Curriculum, Instruction, & Technology
  • The Natural Art of Play
Vanessa Koelling and Claudia Stein
Biology and Environmental Science
  • Student Participation at Invasion Genomics Conference
  • Identification of kudzu-associated soil microbes
Jerome Goddard
  • Harvesting-mediated emigration can affect community structure in a competitive system
Will Fenn
Fine Arts
  • Emerging Designer
Jessica Bodily
  • The Effects of a Token Economy on In-Class Participation Among College Students
Apply Now

On-Campus Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Undergraduate research provides invaluable opportunities for you to deepen your understanding of your discipline or to prepare for graduate school and career. The Professors below have opportunities available. Please contact them and get started today!

Faculty, if you haven’t already worked with students, you’ll find that mentoring them in research is rewarding and that they can make meaningful contributions to your project. If you would like to have students work with you on a project please let us know at [email protected].

a close up of a person wearing glasses and smiling at the camera

Clarissa Chavez

Department Chair; Associate Professor

Department of Psychology, College of Sciences
Project start:
Open Project end: Open

Description of opportunity:
Students would have the opportunity to continue to run a previous MS thesis social-cognitive psychological experiment to gather more data.

In this study, we will continue to examine how a single bout of intense exercise and repeated exposure to individuating information changes the accessibility to person versus group-based (i.e., group stereotypes) memories. This experiment requires all research assistants to be CPR certified. You’ll also learn how to use a cycle ergometer, monitor heart rates, and test for blood pressure.

Looking for: This experiment will likely take a year to complete. Students should be either a psychology major or minor. This is a rather arduous experimental design. Students should be dependable, motivated, and have flexible schedules.

Duties: Students will be expected to run the experiment and help train other students to run the experiment. Students will be expected to read literature on background theories involved within the experiment. Students may also be involved in writing an IRB protocol and data analysis (via SAS).

Amount of time estimated/week: Average of 5 hours a week. This is flexible.

To learn more: Email: [email protected]

Department of Information Systems, College of Business
Project start:
1/10/2020 Project end: 5/20/2021

Description of opportunity:
Developing a computer application to collecting data from online forum(like Reddit) or SNSs. Otherwise, modifying existing application (which I am already using)

Looking for: Computer programming

Duties: Students are expected develop or upgrading a computer application can facilitate researches which leverage secondary data from Internet.

Amount of time estimated/week: 5

To learn more: Email [email protected]

a woman smiling for the camera

Tara Beziat

Associate Professor

Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Technology; College of Education
Project start:
Open Project end: Open
Description of opportunity:
My research topic is metacognition. Cleaning and sorting survey data. Finding and summarizing articles including annotations.

Looking for: No qualifications necessary
Duties: Reviewing Data sets collected through Qualtrics and sorting and cleaning the data using Excel. If time allows, I can work with the student to show them how to use SPSS- statistical software. Conducting literature reviews.
Amount of time estimated per week: 1-5 hours
To learn more: Email is best – [email protected]

a woman wearing glasses and smiling at the camera

Kim Brackett

Associate Dean; Professor

Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work; College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Project start:
Open Project end: Open

Description of opportunity:
Constructions of family life and pathways to family formation. Currently we have data about family ministry and I am interested in looking at grandparents as part of the family experience. My past research includes examinations of dating and relationship formation. I’d love to work on some of these topics again. I do some additional work on pedagogy and meta-cognition. A curiosity I currently have involves the evolving language in the area of gender.

Looking for: I’d like to work with a student for longer than just one semester. It’s important that the student have a basic understanding of sociological concepts and an academic interest in personal relationships. Curiosity about society is a huge plus.

Duties: Reading and literature review work on grandparenting and family ministry. Possible interview question development, IRB protocol work, and data collection around a gender study or dating study.

Amount of time estimated/week: I am flexible on this. It depends on student availability.

To learn more: Stop by my office -319 Clement Hall or send me an email – [email protected]

a man wearing glasses and a suit and tie

Michael Burger


Department of History and World Languages and Cultures, College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Project start:
Already started Project end: Until about December 2021 or so.

Description of opportunity:
I’m working on a book on spatial dimensions of medieval diocesan administration. Bishops were increasing their control over their dioceses and creating centralized bureaucracies to enable them to do so. How hard was it to overcome a culture that expected power to be exercised face to face? One aspect of the book will be analyzing the movement of bishops and its relationship (or lack of relationship) with the locale of the business they handled using Geographic Information Systems (i.e., the application of computer technology to spatial relationships). This will require a lot of data entry, where a student might be helpful.

Looking for: I would need a student who reads well and is anal retentive about detail. Ability to read Latin would be a big plus, but in certain phases of the project would not be necessary. A plus also would be command of the GIS program, GeoMedia.

Duties: Reading the chief administrative records of medieval bishops, called “bishop’s registers” and entering data from them into Excel spreadsheets. Some of these registers are primarily in the form of English summaries, so Latin will not always be needed depending on what register I’m working on.

Amount of time estimated/week: This could be quite variable. Say, 3 hours per week?

To learn more: Email would be best: [email protected].

a man wearing glasses and a suit and tie

Agnitra Roy Choudhury

Associate Professor

Department of Economics, College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Project start:
as soon as possible Project end: March 2020

Description of opportunity:
Mainly work on empirical projects and quantitative analysis. This project deals with analyzing how access to paid family leave affects early childhood health investments. We will be looking at various markers to detect health investments, such as birth weight, infant mortality, etc. The other side of this same project is analyzing the impact of paid family leave programs on employment of women in the child bearing years and their labor market opportunities.

Looking for: Economics, Computer science, finance, mathematics

Duties: Work on data transformations, aggregating data, cleaning data, and some basic statistical analysis.

Amount of time estimated/week: 10 hours per week maximum

To learn more: Email – [email protected]

a close up of a woman

Lee Farrow

Chair; Distinguished Research & Distinguished Teaching Professor

Department of History, World Languages, and Cultures, College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Project start:
Any time Project end: None at the moment

Description of opportunity:
I am considering writing my next book on the travels of Emmeline Pankhurst, the British feminist and suffragette, in Russia. Pankhurst visited Russia during the Russian Revolution, eager to capitalize on the changes taking place to further the rights of women. A student could help me research for mentions of this in secondary literature and, possibly, newspapers.

Looking for: Any major, but student needs to be thorough and pay attention to details.

Duties: Secondary research online; ordering potential sources through interlibrary loan and copying relevant pages; possibly research in newspapers online or on microfilm.

Amount of time estimated per week: To be negotiated, flexible.

To learn more: Email [email protected] or stop by my office, 345 Liberal Arts on Wednesdays or make and appointment

a man wearing glasses and a suit

Pryce Haddix

Associate Professor

Department of Biology, College of Sciences
Project start:
Although project is ongoing, Dr. Haddix is willing to mentor new students after Spring 2020.
Project end: Ongoing

Description of opportunity:
Research in microbiology involving the biological function of a red pigment produced by Serratia marcescens bacteria. My ongoing work has shown that the pigment modulates in a complex manner the production of the energy storage compound ATP.

Looking for: Junior or Senior standing; successful completion of two semesters of general chemistry with their labs as well as microbiology and its labs.

Duties: Experimental work on the project using laboratory equipment including a spectrophotometer and a chemostat. Data analysis and conclusion using Microsoft Excel. Preparation of a poster presentation describing the results.

Amount of time estimated/week: That depends on the credit hour option for our research course BIOL 4932
Directed Research: 1 credit = 3 hours; 2 credits = 6 hours; 3 credits = 9 hours

To learn more: Dr. Pete Haddix [email protected]; 334-244-3333

Department of Political Science and Public Administration, College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Project start:
Open Project end: Open

Description of opportunity:
Usually has a rolling series of projects available for interested students.

Looking for: Political Science and Public Administration students.

Duties: Varying research responsibilities.

Amount of time estimated/week: As much as students would like to shoulder.

To learn more: My email address is [email protected].

a man wearing a striped shirt and looking at the camera

Brett Lehman

Associate Professor

Department of Sociology, Anthropology, & Social Work , College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Project start:
Open Project end: Open

Description of opportunity:
Social impact of the Legacy Museum on the wider Montgomery/River Region community.

Looking for:
Students should be interested in social change, social inequality, and/or community engagement. Intro to sociology course experience, and the ability to effectively describe what was learned from the course. Look for students who have at least 1 year of school remaining to gain maximum benefit from the experience.

Ethical conduct of research training; otherwise, the duties will depend on student interest and availability.

Amount of time estimated/week: Flexible: 1-3 hours a week

To learn more: Email [email protected]

Department of Sociology, Anthropology, & Social Work , College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Project start:
Open Project end: Open

Description of opportunity:
Social impact of the Legacy Museum on the wider Montgomery/River Region community.

Looking for:
In-depth observation of students’ social life on the AUM campus. This is a student-led project due to the nature of the project.

Ethical conduct of research training; otherwise, the duties will depend on student interest and availability.

Amount of time estimated/week: Flexible: 1-3 hours a week

To learn more: Email [email protected]

a person wearing a costume

Jacqueline McNett

Assistant Professor

Department of Criminal Justice , College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Project start:
Open Project end: Open

Description of opportunity:
Media Content Analysis of Forensic Files

Looking for:
Access to Netflix
Experience with Microsoft Excel
Any major
Undergraduate or graduate

1) Watching Forensic Files
2) Taking detailed notes
3) Creating Excel spreadsheets

Amount of time estimated/week: Flexible: 1-3 hours a week

To learn more: Email [email protected]

College of Sciences

Faculty and Undergraduate Research

Our faculty members are professionals in the various fields of Chemistry and other Physical Sciences. They are active in research in all areas of Chemistry and in Meteorology. Undergraduate research is a way to get research experience before leaving college. As a student you will work closely with a faculty advisor on a shared research project. The research options are almost limitless and the experience is invaluable.

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