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Biology – B.A.

The Bachelor of Arts in Biology degree at AUM was designed to mirror its Bachelor of Science counterpart, but with several differences. The BA in Biology is for those students whose career plans include:

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young male chemistry student in the lab

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Advance your science career with AUM's unique Biochemistry and Molecular Biology master's degree. This flexible program prepares you for top roles in biotech, pharma, and biomedical research. Key Features:

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Girl smiling in biology class

AUMTeach Minor

If your degree focus is in one of the S.T.E.M. fields—science, computer science or mathematics—AUM provides an automatic scholarship to minor in Education and earn an Alabama teaching certificate. This unique program is called “AUMTeach.”

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a group of people posing for the camera

Psychology – Industrial & Organizational Track

The field of Industrial and Organizational Psychology applies psychological principles and research methods to practices found in human resources. The human resource function in a business manages the employee life cycle—recruiting, hiring, onboarding, training, and administering benefits; a degree in…

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a man wearing a suit and tie in front of a brick building


As a psychology major at AUM, you’ll develop critical thinking and research skills as you progress through the scientific study of the mind, brain, and behavior. We know that most students interested in psychology are often asked what they can…

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Theatre - World Tour show

Interdisciplinary Studies

Do you want a set of individually-tailored courses that will lead to a bachelor’s degree in a field you are passionate about? Or, do you already have credit hours in a field you want to pursue, but need a flexible…

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a person sitting at a table using a laptop


If an engineering career is your passion, the AUM Pre-Engineering program offers a strong foundation for students intending to earn a bachelor’s degree in engineering at the Auburn University Samuel Ginn College of Engineering. The program takes approximately two years…

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Initiative Scholarship

Faculty Honor Scholarship: Matthew Little (CS major) Leadership Scholarship: Joanna Sumner (computer science major and math minor) Academic Achievement Scholarship: Evgeniia Korchevskaia (math major) Initiative Scholarship: Sydney Fields (computer science major)

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Academic Achievement Scholarship

Faculty Honor Scholarship: Matthew Little (CS major) Leadership Scholarship: Joanna Sumner (computer science major and math minor) Academic Achievement Scholarship: Evgeniia Korchevskaia (math major) Initiative Scholarship: Sydney Fields (computer science major)

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Faculty Honor Scholarship

Faculty Honor Scholarship: Matthew Little (CS major) Leadership Scholarship: Joanna Sumner (computer science major and math minor) Academic Achievement Scholarship: Evgeniia Korchevskaia (math major) Initiative Scholarship: Sydney Fields (computer science major)

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Leadership Scholarship

Faculty Honor Scholarship: Matthew Little (CS major) Leadership Scholarship: Joanna Sumner (computer science major and math minor) Academic Achievement Scholarship: Evgeniia Korchevskaia (math major) Initiative Scholarship: Sydney Fields (computer science major)

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