Warhawk Weekly 3-9: Service Learning; Women’s History Month

- Service learning opportunities
- Women’s History Month
- Day of Giving
- AUM earns ADECA grant
- Join AUM Student Government Association
- Join the Campus Activities Board
- Reserve your advising appointment
- Holocaust survivor
- Campus Life
- WASC tutoring
- AUM Alumni Association Graduate Scholarship
- Campaign for AUM Athletics
- COVID dashboard
- Sentinel Testing
Sign up for service learning opportunities
Get involved in service learning through the Experiential Education and Engagement Center’s (EEEC) Warhawk Workdays.
Upcoming opportunities will allow students, faculty and staff to interact outdoors (socially distanced) while assisting our local community. Warhawk Workdays offer opportunities for students to fulfill organizational service requirements.
Sign up for one of these opportunities:
Friday, March 12
9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Shady Street Habitat Improvement Project
Join us as we work on a partnership project with the City of Montgomery, removing exotic/invasive vegetation and doing trail maintenance. Wear closed-toe shoes and a face mask, dress appropriately for the weather, bring water to drink and a packed lunch. Meet at the empty gravel parking lot across from the business at 1016 Walker Street, Montgomery (use this address for GPS). We will provide work gloves, garden tools, etc.
8 a.m. – noon
Lagoon Park Trail Construction and Maintenance Project
At this event, we will work in teams (socially-distanced) to clear vegetation and construct a trail for hiking/mountain-biking. Wear closed-toe shoes or boots, a face mask, and dress for the weather. Bring water to drink. We will bring gloves and garden tools. Lunch will be provided by the Lagoon Park Trail Association. Plan to stay and hike/bike afterwards, if you wish. Meet at Pete Peterson Lodge (on the back side of Lagoon Park).
Questions? Contact Shelly Taliaferro (334-244-3983).
Celebrating Women’s History Month
Learn about Nobel Prize-winning women at the AUM Library.
Visit the Women’s History Month exhibit on display between now and March 31.
Show the love on AUM Day of Giving
Mark your calendar! Thursday, March 18 will be AUM Day of Giving.
This is a day for all members of the Auburn University at Montgomery family to come together and create something extraordinary. Each of us plays an integral role in making a difference on March 18. Your gift in support of AUM’s academic programs and students is significant, no matter the size. Every dollar raised directly supports the area of your choice and counts toward AUM’s 2021 Family Campaign.
More details will be shared soon. Keep an eye on your email.
University receives $75,000 grant aimed at crime prevention programming
Gov. Kay Ivey recently announced that Auburn University at Montgomery has been awarded a $75,000 grant to support crime-prevention programming and training for educators and community leaders.
The Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs is administering the grant from Justice Department funds. AUM will use the funding to provide training in crime reduction methods and community safety measures. Those attending the training sessions will be expected to use the information gained to conduct their own “min-trainings and workshops” within their communities.
“No community is immune from crime, but police, business owners and residents can take steps to discourage unlawful activity in their neighborhoods,” Ivey said in a news release. “I am pleased to award these grants and I commend those who attend this program and carry the message back to their communities.”
The Student Government Association serves as the voice of the study body and a liaison between the students and administration.
Be a part of AUM’s Student Government Association and leave your mark on your alma mater. Lead a university and motivate your fellow students through activities, events, and issues. Leave your footprints on the future of AUM. Plus, build your resume, learn the process, and be a part of the university student government.
Join the Campus Activities Board
Want to provide a vibrant campus experience for your student peers? Join AUM’s Campus Activities Board. It’s a “by students, for students” organization that develops on-campus events for the AUM student community.
Reserve your advising appointment
Summer and fall course registration is coming up. Connect with your advisor and keep your coursework on track by utilizing Degree Works.
Reserve your advising appointment.
Mourning the loss of Max Steinmetz
Max Steinmetz, a frequent guest speaker at AUM’s Holocaust Education Program, passed away recently in Birmingham, Ala. He was 96.
In 1942, at the age of 17, Steinmetz and his family were captured by the Nazis and sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp. His parents and sister were immediately put to death. Steinmetz and his brother, Henry, were eventually moved to Camp Dachau. While Henry died during his imprisonment, Steinmetz escaped during a Death March from Dachau and obtained a visa to move to the United States in 1948.
Steinmetz was gracious in sharing his experiences with AUM students, faculty and staff, as well as local high school students and community members, during the university’s Holocaust remembrance program.
Catching up on campus life
Even with social distancing and other precautions, we’ve been able to keep a busy social calendar on campus. Take a look through the lens of university photographer Frank Williams.
Sign up for free tutoring through WASC
If you’re having difficulties in a class, the Warhawk Academic Success Center can help you get off the struggle bus.
Sign up for a free tutoring appointment.
AUM Alumni Association Graduate Scholarship open to applicants
AUM graduate students who have completed at least nine credit hours and have a 3.4 grade point average or higher can apply for the Auburn University at Montgomery Alumni Association Graduate Merit Scholarship.
Applicants must complete an application form and submit a resume, letters of support and a 250-word essay by March 15.
Apply now for graduate scholarships.
#AllinforAUM campaign exceeds participation goal
Friends and graduates of Auburn University at Montgomery have proven that they are #AllinforAUM by supporting the ongoing campaign for athletics.
The campaign has exceeded its participation goal of 150 donors and raised more than $12,000 in support of AUM’s 11 varsity athletic programs, but there’s still time to participate. Show your support for AUM Athletics!
COVID-19 Dashboard update
AUM will continue to provide weekly reporting on its COVID-19 dashboard with results of testing conducted through Warhawk Health Services and the Sentinel Testing program, as well as self-reported positive test results by students and employees to Student Affairs and Human Resources. Reporting will be updated each Monday.
In addition to wearing face masks on campus and observing social distancing, students and employees are encouraged to utilize the AUM Healthcheck symptom monitoring tool.
Enroll in Sentinel Testing program
You can help “Protect Your Nest” by enrolling in the Sentinel Testing Program.
Open to all AUM students and employees, the random Sentinel Testing Program identifies potential asymptomatic cases of COVID-19 and provides an extra layer of protection for roommates, friends, professors, staff members, and family members with whom you may interact. Testing will take place twice a week.
In order to be elected for the Sentinel Testing program, you must create an account through the Verily platform.