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Certified Public Manager® Program
Continuing Education & Community Engagement at Auburn University at Montgomery offers the Certified Public Manager® (CPM) training program accredited through the National Certified Public Manager Consortium. The CPM Program has been providing comprehensive training to current and future public sector managers across Alabama for over 30 years.
CPM is a dynamic and engaging training program that develops and enhances the leadership skills of managers by utilizing course material, projects and learning requirements that inspire innovative approaches to strengthening engagement and solving problems. CPM participants connect with leaders from across Alabama to strengthen their leadership behaviors in order to improve organizational culture and results for Alabama’s citizens.
Certification Levels
Accredited CPM Programs consist of a minimum of 300 contact hours of structured learning activities and successful completion of a capstone project.
Alabama’s CPM Program is conducted in two segments: CPM I and CPM II. Each segment is presented two consecutive days per month over a nine-month period. The total time to complete the certification program is 18 months.
CPM Solutions Alabama
Solutions Alabama is the team capstone project of the CPM Program, where participants form teams to research and provide recommendations to relevant and interesting issues that impact Alabama. Working closely with key stakeholders, participants demonstrate critical thinking and team decision making skills as they discover and share their findings in the form of a white paper and presentation to leaders across the state. Solutions Alabama is a recognized best practice among CPM Programs across the nation.
2024 White Papers
Alabama Society of Certified Public Managers
CPM participants and graduates recognize the many benefits of networking with colleagues who are committed to maintaining an awareness of professional management standards and the newest developments in the practice of public administration by enrolling as members of the Alabama Society of Certified Public Managers® (ASCPM).