This page contains official Auburn University at Montgomery policy documents that have been proposed and adopted in accordance with the university’s policy development process.
While AUM policy documents are not contracts, but they offer guidance aimed at enhancing the university’s mission, promoting operational effectiveness and reducing risks to the institution and members of the campus community. The process for adopting and revising university policies is coordinated by AUM’s Executive Policy Committee.
Auburn University’s Board of Trustees and authorized executive officers of AUM maintain exclusive discretion to exercise the customary function of institutional management to revise university polices. Questions regarding specific AUM policies should be directed to the department or unit responsible for administering that policy.
Colleges, schools and units within the university may have additional policies or procedures that apply only to their students, faculty, or staff which are housed at the department level. In the event of a conflict, AUM policies supersede those of a college, school, department, division or unit.
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