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Dong-Yop Oh

Associate Professor | College of Business
334-244-3157 [email protected] Clement Hall, 307 Management Information Systems

Dr. Dong-Yop Oh is teaching Business Quantitative Methods at the College of Business, Auburn University at Montgomery as an associate professor. He received his Master’s and Ph.D. in Applied Statistics from the University of Alabama. Dr. Oh has conducted research in the area of Time Series and in particular, the development of unit root and cointegration tests. Another research interest lies in Ensemble methods for classification problems which attempt to build predictive models that can be used to optimally assign observations to classes or categories. He is involved in service by refereeing journals as an editorial review board member and a reviewer. Dr. Oh has published research articles in journals including Applied Economics, Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, Computational Statistics, Empirical Economics, et al.

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