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Emergency Preparedness
Natural and man-made disasters can occur without warning and individual preparedness is the cornerstone of emergency preparedness and response. Knowing how to prepare for and respond appropriately during emergencies can save your life. The most common threat to the Auburn University at Montgomery campus is severe weather. However, other threats also exist. Colleges and universities are open environments creating the possibility of accidental and intentional chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive (CBRNE) incidents. Knowing the types of emergencies and common guidelines for handling those emergencies is the first step in being prepared. Please review the information on the website and become familiar with emergency procedures for the areas of campus you commonly visit.
Emergency Notifications
The emergency notification systems on campus are in place to alert faculty, staff, and students of imminent and urgent situations that may affect the campus.
As part of AUM’s ongoing effort to safeguard students, faculty, and staff, the university has implemented a new emergency communications system. Known as the AUM Alert, the system allows you to receive time-sensitive emergency messages in the form of email, voice mail and text messages.
Everyone who has an AUM email address will receive emergency alerts to that email. To receive text messages and voice mail alerts, we will ask you to provide a mobile phone number. While participation in the text and voice messaging notification is optional, we strongly encourage you to enroll. We consider the information that you supply confidential and will not share it. You will only be contacted through the system in the event of an emergency.
Outdoor warning sirens are in place around campus to alert people of severe weather. Once the sirens are activated, members of the campus community should seek shelter and tune to radios or televisions for updates and instructions. These sirens could also be used in the event of other emergencies. However, activation will still require seeking shelter from the outdoors or following the instructions from emergency officials.
Every building on campus has fire alarms; they are there for a reason. If you hear the alarm go off, get out of the building immediately. Avoid elevators and take the most direct route.
Most of the buildings on campus are equipped with public announcement systems designed to broadcast emergency messages specific to any emergency.
Everyone associated with the university is encouraged to monitor local radio and television stations to remain aware of events affecting campus. We recommend you monitor the below local stations.