Evan Mott is a recent AUM Graduate who studied Business Administration Management with a minor in Communications and he is also attending Grad school here for his MBA. When Mr. Mott first started at AUM he was in the Bridge program; because of the staff and fellow students he was able to excel through school debt free and land his dream job,
Recently, he was accepted for another Masters in Logistics Management at Florida Tech. Had this Degree been available at AUM, I would have stayed. He will work on classes at both universities as a full-time Army Civilian. I will be attending full-time for 12 hours and will graduate with my MBA in spring 2023.
In March, Mr.Mott was accepted to the program that he pursued since high school, the Army Logistics Fellows program. This program is at Army Logistics University in Ft. Lee, VA. This is a full-time position where they develop me as a multi-functional civilian logistician with skills to operate and lead in support of the Army. In this program, he will progress from a GS-7 to GS-11 in two years while receiving training and college courses in Logistics. Mr. Mott has received straight A’s in Logistics courses and finished at the top of his class.
He is in the process of creating a third culture club at AUM and would love to connect this club with other universities in the future. I love this University and represent it proudly.He loves the diversity and inclusion AUM offers to students. Because of that it has made him a well- rounded individual.
While attending Auburn Montgomery he has received Graduate focus scholarships every semester, which has made a difference for him to continue graduate school. I also received the Auto-Tags scholarship, which significantly reduced my stress. I would like to give back to this University the way it’s given to me.
He will always be a WarHawk at heart and would like to thanks all of his fellow classmates, family members, and professor for supporting him through college.