Dear Worried College Student,
You don’t know me and I don’t know you but just like you I experienced failures, fears, and flaws on this journey. In one of the proudest moments of my life, I was grieving about the loss of my grandma and my story was televised around the world. I realized God chose me as a vessel for others. I am currently sitting here at 27 years old going through the cycle I have once a month of “I am not where I want to be” and “why is my journey taking so long?” Most of my friends have graduated, working, married, and become parents. Then there’s me still grinding. I’m writing you this letter because my time as an undergrad is coming to an end soon. I couldn’t be more excited. Heck! It took me seven years just to earn my associates, but through it all I never quit on myself or the process. I found joy in the journey not the destination. I hope this letter finds you well and encourages you if you are worried about your journey.
Derrick Harris