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CRCV Webinar Series
Dr. Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung

Dr. Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung | Calvin University

Title: The Virtue of Courage: The Fear of Death and the Power of Love

Abstract: Courage is a virtue lauded by many cultures for much of human history. We rightly celebrate bravery in the face of threats, especially threats of death. But why be courageous? What is worth living—and even dying—for? Reflection on the point of courage connects this virtue to the power of love, which can strengthen us against our worst fears, even though it also makes us vulnerable. Come think beyond superheroes in Marvel movies to the ways that ordinary people can exercise this virtue, in sometimes unexpected ways. 

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Oct 30 2023


12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


Zoom Webinar


Civil Rights to Civic Virtue (CRCV)
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