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Rhea Ingram

Professor | College of Business
334-244-3603 [email protected] Clement Hall, 304 Business Administration, Marketing

Rhea Ingram, Ph. D., is an award-winning marketing professor at AUM. She is passionate about innovative thought and leading change. Her students engage in service-learning projects involving hands-on experiential learning, specifically with non-profit organizations.

She is a native of Troy, AL. She attended Troy University, earning her BS in Marketing and MBA. Later, she attended the University of Kentucky, where she earned her Ph. D. in Marketing. She resides in Pike Road with her spouse and has a large immediate and extended family.

Rhea is very active in serving her university, profession, and community. She was the former dean of the College of Business at AUM for eight years and currently serves on the boards of Leadership Montgomery, Family Sunshine Center, and Alabama Technology Foundation. She recently was honored as the Best of Board Volunteer of the Year by Hands On River Region (April, 2024). Rhea’s corporate experience was in sales and marketing for a manufacturing firm and an economic development organization.

Her research has appeared in the Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Research, Electronic Markets, and other journals and conference proceedings.

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