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Undergraduate Admissions

I. Non-Resident Tuition Policy

Auburn University at Montgomery’s residency guidelines are established by Alabama Code 1664. The term “Alabama resident” for tuition purposes may differ from other definitions of Alabama residency. To be classified as a resident for tuition purposes, a student must meet the guidelines for residency as defined by the Alabama Code.

All students registering at Auburn University at Montgomery (AUM) who come to the state of Alabama from another state for the purpose of attending school will be considered a “nonresident student” for tuition purposes. Classification of students as a non-resident shall be made at the time of their initial admission to the university and the non-resident status shall continue unchanged through all registrations at the university until and unless satisfactory evidence is provided supporting that the student’s reason for coming to and remaining in the state has changed. Documents which are at least one (1) year old from the date of issue are often, but not always, more probative than those that are less than one year old.

Furthermore, AUM will default the resident code to non-resident during the admissions process if any out-of-state information is received (i.e. transcript, out-of-state address) or if the student has been away from the university for a year or more. The out-of-state code will remain until documentation is received that demonstrates that the student is either a resident who attended an out-of-state institution or has not left the state during the 12 month absence.

Any student who attended or graduated from an out-of-state high school, attended an online college or university, or attended a higher education institution in another state will be coded as a non-resident upon admission and must file a residency appeal. Please provide documentation if the educational program is residency based or online.

An Alabama student/resident is a citizen of the United States, or legal permanent resident who, the time of admission to the university:

  • Is not a “minor” and is a resident of the state of Alabama and has been a resident of the state for at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the date of initial registration; or
  • Is a “minor” and whose “supporting person(s)” is a resident of the state of Alabama and has been a resident of the state for at least 12 consecutive months immediately preceding the date of initial registration; or
    • Is a full-time, permanent employee of AUM or is the spouse of such an employee
    • Can verify full-time permanent employment within the State of Alabama or is the spouse of such an employee and will commence said employment within 90 days of initial registration with the institution
    • Is a spouse by legal marriage of a bona fide Alabama resident;
    • Is a member or the spouse of a member of the United States military on full-time active duty stationed in Alabama under orders for duties other than attending
      school; (Members of the National Guard or Reserves are not included in this provision)
    • Has been a member of the Alabama National Guard for a period of at least two years immediately preceding the student qualifying for resident tuition and continues to be a member of the Alabama National Guard while enrolled at the public institution of higher education
    • Is an accredited member or the spouse of an accredited member of a consular staff assigned to duties in AlabamaOne who, at the time of registration, is not a “minor” and:Is a non-resident graduate student appointed on assistantships of at least one-fourth time
    • Is a non-resident student enrolled in programs included in the Southern Regional Education Board Academic Common Market, provided the student does not change to another program that does not fall under this category. In a case of change, the student will be classified as nonresident for tuition purposes; OR
  • One who, at the time of registration, is a “minor” and whose “supporting person(s)”:
    • Is a full-time, permanent employee of AUM
    • Can verify full-time permanent employment within the State of Alabama and will commence said employment within 90 days of student’s initial registration with AUM
    • Is a member of the United States military on full-time active duty stationed in Alabama under orders for duties other than attending school. (Members of the National Guard or Reserves are not included in this provision)
    • Is an accredited member of a consular staff assigned to duties in Alabama

A non-resident student is one who does not meet the criteria for a “resident student” as specified in the preceding section.

Though certification of an address and intent to remain in the state indefinitely are prerequisites to establishing status as a resident, ultimate determination of that status shall be made by the university by its evaluation of the presence or absence of connections with the state of Alabama.

The burden of proof for changing residency rests with the student. The following types of evidence may contain data to help establish residency. Where appropriate, documents must prove Alabama residency during the 12 month time period prior to enrollment.

  • Letter of employment verification – must include starting date, signature of employer and contact information.
  • Possession of state or local licenses to do business or practice a profession in the state.
  • First TWO pages of Alabama State and/or Federal Tax return, showing applicable signatures, for the 12 month period preceding the date of initial enrollment.
  • Copy of lease or deed showing residency in Alabama for the 12 month time period preceding the date of initial enrollment.
  • Banking documents demonstrating banking activity in Alabama. Documents must prove activity occurred in Alabama for the 12 month time period preceding the date of initial enrollment.
  • Copy of Alabama driver’s license.
  • Copy of vehicle registration issued by State of Alabama.
  • Copy of voter’s registration and voting in the state; more significantly, continuing voter registration in the state that initially occurred at least one year prior to the initial registration of the student in Alabama at a public institution of higher education.
  • Copy of marriage license.
  • Proof of graduation from Alabama high school.
  • Letter from previous institution that student was considered an out-of-state resident at said institution (if transfer to AUM is within 12 months).
  • Copy of PCS (Permanent Change of Station) orders identifying Alabama as assignment (US military personnel).
  • In-state address shown on selective service registration, driver’s license, automobile title registration, hunting and fishing licenses, insurance policies, stock and bond registrations, last will and testament, annuities, or retirement plans.

To be considered for change of residency, the Application for Change of Residency and all required documentation should be submitted as early as possible in order to accommodate a timely review. For continuing students, applications must be received no later than three weeks prior to the first day of classes for consideration for that semester. Applications received after this date will likely be held for consideration for the following semester.

Completed applications and support documents should be submitted as follows:

  • Incoming undergraduate students should return the completed application and support documents to the Office of Admissions and Recruitment, P.O. Box 244023, Montgomery, AL 36124-4023 or turned in at the Admissions Office, 101 Taylor Center.
  • Incoming graduate students should return the completed application and support documents to the Office of Graduate Admissions, P.O. Box 244023, Montgomery, AL 36124-4023 or turned in at the Office of the Provost, 103 Administration Building.
  • Continuing undergraduate and graduate students should return the completed application and support documents to the Office of the Registrar, P.O. Box 244023, Montgomery, AL 361244023 or turned in to the Registrar’s Office, 114 Taylor Center.

For incoming students, decisions regarding residency will be determined by the Office of Admissions and Recruiting (undergraduate students) or the Office of Graduate Admissions (graduate students). Decisions regarding change of residency for current students will be made by the Residency Committee, chaired by the registrar. All decisions are subject to review by the chancellor at AUM or his designated representative, upon written request of applicant.

Non-Resident Tuition Policy

II. Definitions

  • Minor: An individual who, because of age, lacks the capacity to contract under Alabama law. Under current law, this means a single individual under nineteen (19) and a married individual under eighteen (18), but excludes an individual whose disabilities of non-age have been removed by a court of competent jurisdiction for a reason other than establishing a legal residence in Alabama.
  • Supporting person: Either or both of the parents of the student (if they are living together) or if they are divorced or living separate, then either the parent having legal custody or, if different, the parent providing the greater amount of financial support of the two (verified by a copy of the most recent income tax return). If both parents are deceased or if neither had legal custody then supporting person shall mean, in the following order: legal custodian of the student, and, if none, the guardian, and, if none, the conservator.

Further information concerning residency laws mandated by the State of Alabama can be found here.

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