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Peer Mentorship

  • Peer mentors are part-time student workers that are paid 10/hr for supporting students and assisting their professors.
  • Mentors work in the classrooms of courses they have already successfully completed. Peer mentors have excelled in their courses and provide valuable insights to students currently taking the course.
  • Peer mentors support students by offering advice, holding office hours, and answering questions.
  • Peer mentors are similar to teaching assistants but do not grade assignments.

About Peer Mentorship

The EEEC hosts training for peer mentors each semester. This training features an overview of the program and other useful resources. If you are interested in becoming a peer mentor, apply via the Working Warhawks website: Faculty members teaching core courses who are interested in having a peer mentor this spring, please let us know: [email protected].

Because class times vary, please remember that mentors are compensated for class time, two hours of office hours for each course they mentor for, and a 30-minute meeting with their instructor.

12.5 hr2 hr30 min5 hr
25 hr4 hr1 hr10 hr
37.5 hr6 hr1.5 hr15 hr
410 hr8 hr2 hr20 hr
  • Office hours should be held outside of normal class times.
  • Office hours should be held Monday-Thursday on campus or through Zoom (if you mentor in an online course.)
  • Ensure your students understand when and where you hold your office hours.
  • Office hours should not be held on weekends, holidays, or during official campus closings.
  • Office hours should be held even if students are not present.

What is the Peer Mentor Interaction Log?

One of your responsibilities as a peer mentor is to document your interactions with mentees and faculty members. The Peer Mentor Interaction Log serves as a tool to monitor the progress of mentor relationships and activities, helps identify improvement areas, and ensures support and guidance for mentees. We ask that all peer mentors fill out this log anytime they meet with mentees or their faculty mentor. The Interaction Log can be filled out retroactively. Current peer mentors should check their email to find the link to their Interaction Log.

When should I fill out the Interaction Log?

Mentors should complete the log anytime they have interactions with their mentees or their faculty mentor. Some examples include sending announcements in Canvas, meeting with students during office hours, and in-class interactions, such as leading group discussions.

Do I need to complete the log if I haven’t met with students?

No, if you haven’t interacted with mentees, there is no need to complete the log. However, if you have trouble engaging students during office hours, please contact the Experiential Education and Engagement Center or your faculty mentor.

Where can I find the link to the Interaction Log?

You can find the link to the Interaction Log in your email inbox. We suggest that you bookmark or favorite the link in your browser so you can quickly access the link.

Peer mentors are responsible for meeting with their faculty mentor(s) for 30 minutes each week. This meeting is useful in discussing course content, how to engage students, ways you can contribute as a peer mentor in the course, report issues/successes, and share student feedback.

  • Introductions: It is important that you introduce yourself at the start of the semester. Consider sharing some information about yourself, your role in the course, and your contact information.
  • Participate in class: By participating in class discussions, mentors practice “modeling openness.” When mentors answer questions and contribute to discussions, students will feel more comfortable doing the same.
  • Invite students to your office hours: Ask students to visit your office hours even if they don’t have questions. Some students need additional support but may not ask you directly.
  • Send announcements, weekly emails, or reach out to students individually. While some students may choose not to visit you during office hours, there are a variety of ways that you can offer support to students.
Omari Burton

Peer Mentor Leadership Workshop

Peer Mentor

Become a Mentor Collective Mentor!

Mentor Collective

Mentor Collective is a fantastic way for students to get involved on campus and help other students. Students are paired with someone invested in their success-a person ready to listen, inspire, and help when needed. Mentors help students understand what to expect at AUM, how to face challenges, and where to find campus resources. Mentors will build their networks and develop skills that will help them for life after college.

Mentor Collective


International Peer Mentorship

New international students arriving for the first time in this country sometimes experience culture shock, homesickness and may find it hard to make friends or get involved with campus life. In response to these challenges, we have created a student-led program based on the concept of peer-to-peer mentoring. Through relationship building, trust and empowerment, peer mentors provide continuing support to new students, ease their transition into a new culture, help bridge cultural gaps, connect them to resources on and off campus and become a trustworthy friend.

Mentors will offer holistic support through one-on-one conversations, social gatherings, bringing mentees to campus events, encouraging involvement, answering questions, sharing resources, etc.

This program will provide opportunities for you to meet people from across campus, build mentoring skills to enhance your resume, share your international experience, and have fun.

Mentors will be responsible for ongoing communication and outreach to support new international students. They will organize and facilitate one-on-one conversations that focus on the mentee’s overall well-being, adjustment to AUM, cultural reflections, involvement opportunities, challenges, etc.


Peer Mentor Highlight


Peer Mentor Resources

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Office Hours

8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Monday – Friday

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