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Academic Honesty Code
The Student Academic Honesty Code applies to all students taking classes at Auburn University at Montgomery. It is designed to support the interests of the students and faculty, in maintaining honesty and integrity essential to an academic institution. Actions that violate this code include, but are not limited to, plagiarism and receiving or supplying unauthorized assistance on a class exam or assignment. A charge of violation of the academic honesty code can be made by any member of the university community. Sanctions can range from a zero on the assignment up to and including expulsion from the University.
How to Report Academic Dishonesty
If an instructor determines that a violation of the Academic Honesty Code has occurred, he or she should provide written notification to the student outlining the violation that has occurred and the specific penalty imposed. The notification should include a statement indicating that the student can appeal the charge. A copy of this letter should be provided to the department head, the dean of the College, and the appropriate Associate Provost (undergraduate or graduate). If the penalty being assigned is an “F” for plagiarism in the course, the instructor should also provide a copy to the Registrar.
The AUM Student Handbook provides full instruction and considerations for faculty/staff reporting Academic Dishonesty in the section “Guide for Faculty Members to Report Cases of Student Academic Dishonesty.”
Undergraduate Reporting
Email the Associate Provost of Undergraduate Studies about Academic Dishonesty
Graduate Reporting
Email the Associate Provost Graduate Studies about Academic Dishonesty