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Lost & Found
AUM Police Department maintains the official Lost and Found for AUM. We make every effort to identify the owner of the property and see that it makes it back to them. You may inquire in person 24 hours a day, or by telephone at (334) 244-3424. Anyone claiming property must show student ID, driver’s license or passport. Please turn in lost or found property to the AUM Police Department at any time. The retention period and manner of disposal depends on the item.
Retention Period
Automobile Assistance
If you have a flat tire or your vehicle battery has died, call the AUM Police Department at (334) 244-3424 for assistance. Be prepared to answer a few questions such as, where you are calling from, what type of vehicle do you have, and where you would like the officer to meet you to assist you.
The AUMPD provides limited vehicle assistance as a courtesy service to the campus community based on the terms and conditions listed below for the services listed:
The AUM Police Department does not provide assistance for unlocking vehicles, but we can contact a locksmith service for you.
On-Campus Event Security
Many events, both large and small, occur on the AUM campus. Departments on campus coordinate with the AUM Police Department for safety and traffic control during events. Scheduling event security will in no way guarantee space availability or represents approval for the event. All inquiries into space and event approval should be made with the Conference and Campus Services Department.