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Frequently Asked Questions
This FAQ information is not a substitute for the parking rules and regulations. If your question is not answered here, please read the AUM Parking Policy or contact the AUM Police Department at (334) 244-3424.
Students (Resident, Graduate and Commuter)
AUM continues to grow, which means our campus is busier than ever. Additionally, access to our campus is not restricted by gates or boundaries. So, in the interest of safety for our students, faculty and staff, and visitors and guests, and to accommodate the growing need for parking, AUM adopted its current Parking Policy.
Yes, all AUM students are allowed to park on campus with the appropriate parking permit/registration.
Yes. Because your permit does not expire until the beginning of the next academic year, AUM cannot deduct the remaining cost if you do not return after the fall semester.
However, students who start classes during the spring semester or register for summer classes will have the cost of their parking permits prorated for the remainder of the academic year.
General permits for non-resident students will be charged to student accounts. Resident Student parking permit fees are included in their housing fees.
Students with registered vehicles may park in any General Permit Parking area or, with appropriate permitting, in Resident Parking areas.
Resident Student parking permits are restricted to residential lots only and not in any of the general parking lots or the Wellness Center lot.
If you wish to add a general parking pass that allows you to park on campus outside of Housing lots, you may register for the Housing/General permit for a $30.00 fee: Decal fees will be placed on your student account.
Any student who purchases an AUM License Plate will received their General Parking Permit for free.
Commuter and Graduate students must pay for a General parking permit and may park in any General Permit parking area.
If you are bringing a car onto campus for the weekend, please contact Campus Police at 224-244-3424 (day or night) or [email protected] (business hours) for instructions.
I'm a Resident Student, and I’m bringing a car on campus temporarily. What type of permit do I need?
If you are bringing a car onto campus temporarily, please contact Campus Police at 334-244-3424 (day or night) or [email protected] (business hours) for temporary permitting instructions.
Visitor parking permits for guests of Resident Students may be obtained in advance through The Nest or by contacting Campus Police at 334-244-3424 (day or night) or [email protected] (business hours).
Faculty and Staff
Starting with the Fall Semester, AUM employee’s that will be parking on the main campus of Auburn University will be required to display their AUM Reserved Hangtag. This will allow them to park in any designated A or B zone parking space on the Auburn University campus. AUM Faculty/Staff with general parking decals must register their vehicles with one of the Auburn University guest registration locations for a temporary parking permit.
Auburn University Faculty and Staff members who have registered their vehicles with Auburn University and need to park on the AUM campus; will need to obtain a temporary parking permit in advance from the Auburn University Parking Services Office. All other Auburn University Faculty and Staff members must visit the AUM Police Department to complete registration for a temporary parking permit.
Your office or department can generate temporary (one-day) visitor parking passes that can be emailed to your visitor prior to their visit. If you cannot generate the temporary pass or do not have enough advance notice, you should direct your visitor to the Campus Police Department to register their vehicle.
Faculty and Staff can register additional vehicles either when they make their initial registration or after the fact. The additional vehicle registration is completed within the parking registration portal and is different for each type of Faculty and Staff permit.
If you and your spouse / partner are both AUM employees, you must each complete individual vehicle registrations. If you both intend to use Faculty and Staff Reserved parking permits for your separate vehicles, you must each register separately and pay the $75 registration fee.
Faculty and Staff Reserved Permits: Faculty and Staff reserved parking spaces (orange lined spaces) are available for $75 per academic year. Faculty and Staff members who are re-registering an AUM License Plate will only pay a $5.00 administrative fee. Faculty and Staff members who register an AUM License plate for the first time will receive a reserved parking decal and hangtag at no charge. Reserved permit fees will be placed on your AUM account.
Visitors and Vendors
Yes, all vehicles on campus during days and hours of enforcement must have a permit. Note that there is no non-resident parking in Resident Permit parking areas without a specific temporary pass to do so. You may ask the person or office/department that you are visiting to secure a temporary parking permit for you in advance and email it to you, or you may contact Campus Police prior to visiting campus at 334-244-3424 (day or night) or email [email protected] (business hours).
No, parking enforcement is only Monday through Friday, 7 a.m.–6 p.m.
Yes, all vendors visiting campus must have a permit. Note that there is no non-resident parking in Resident Permit parking areas without a specific temporary pass to do so. You may contact Campus Police at 334-244-3424 (day or night) or [email protected] (business hours).
General Questions
The AUM Campus Police Department is located in Taylor Center near the southeast entrance. Please see the campus map for our location.
Registration opens for each academic year on August 1.
After registering your vehicle(s), you simply pick up your permit(s) at Campus Police in Taylor Center (or any place designated by Campus Police for pickup). Bring your receipt as proof of payment.
Campus Police publishes a schedule of times and locations for picking up permits.
Parking meters are monitored and policies enforced year-round Monday through Friday, 7 a.m.–6 p.m.
There is no overnight parking on campus except in Resident Permit lots, which require Resident parking permits.
Yes, AUM’s parking policy is enforced year-round Monday through Friday, 7 a.m.–6 p.m.
You’ll need to visit or call Campus Police to update your information.
Contact Campus Police at 334-244-3424 for information about loading zones and temporary standing for loading or unloading.
Yes, Wellness Center Members will be issued hangtags to display.
Parking at the baseball, softball and soccer fields, intramural fields, and at running trail and track will not be monitored for registration.
To register for or purchase an AUM parking permit, whether in person or through the online portal (see a link to the portal near the top of this page), you’ll need the following information: