GEARSEF is a regional competition open to all public, private and homeschool students from any of the counties in our region. All Alabama science fair participants will be required to utilize the Scienteer system to manage all forms and paperwork required to participate. If your program is not familiar with STEM Wizard, please contact our office to establish your account prior to beginning any projects.
All GEARSEF participants are required to complete Auburn University at Montgomery’s Minors On Campus Form.
All GEARSEF participants are required to submit the Project Payment Form and associated fees prior to the event.
Confirm Project Category
Regardless of what category the project competed in at the school or district level, all students advancing to GEARSEF will need to log in to the STEM Wizard System and select their project’s category from the GEARSEF category list online.
Poster Project
Project Poster Submission
All GEARSEF projects will be required to submit a project poster via the STEM Wizard System.
This single slide virtual display board is what the judges will use to preview projects prior to the student interviews. Be sure to check for errors and typos!
The virtual poster dimensions are 48″ x 36″ (3456 x 2592) and must remain this size. Suggested virtual poster templates with recommended headings are below. As long as the size is maintained, students are free to use a different template or change the fonts, layout, colors, and graphics as needed to fit how they want to communicate their research. Students will need to bring a physical poster (usually a tri-fold poster board) for judging at GEARSEF. Typically, the physical poster will be identical to the virtual poster, but students are allowed to make changes to format or content as long as they abide by the display rules .
If the final file size is larger than 5MB, students may need to reduce the size or number of pictures in the presentation.
GEARSEF is encouraging all Seniors to apply for the Regeneron Science Talent Search (STS). Regeneron STS is the nation’s oldest and most prestigious science research competition for high school students. Started in 1942 as the Westinghouse Science Talent Search, Regeneron STS recognizes and empowers our nation’s most promising young scientists who are developing ideas that could solve society’s most urgent challenges.
Each year, nearly 2,000 students enter the Regeneron STS, submitting original research in critically important scientific fields of study. Unique among high school competitions, the Regeneron STS focuses on identifying, inspiring, and engaging the nation’s most promising future leaders in STEM.
Students should practice delivering a prepared synopsis of their project for the judges in front of classmates, teachers and administrators.
Judges may ask questions regarding originality of topic, technique and methodology used, data collection and analysis as well as broader impacts and application of the results.
Teachers should check in at the registration desk and receive a packet of information for their students.
Students will be allowed to set up their projects once the room has officially opened.
No students are allowed in the room during Judges’ Preview.
Students must remain with their project until they have been interviewed by their assigned judges. Jr. Division Projects are judged by at least 2 judges while Senior Division projects are judges by at least 3 judges.
Students may see Special Awards Judges circulating throughout the room looking for projects that fit their specific award criteria.
Once all of the category judging has been completed, judges will meet by category to tally scores and determine category winners.
Senior Division – Category Heads and Best of Fair Judges will meet to determine which projects will be called back for a second round of interviews during the lunch break to determine which Best of Fair projects will advance directly to compete at the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF).
Students will receive an email with their assigned project category ID and student interview time.
Students should determine an appropriate location for participating in an online interview. Be sure to select a location that:
Has a strong internet connection
Blocks out exterior noise distractions
Has a background free of visual distractions
Has appropriate lighting to make sure the judges can properly see your face
Students should run a test check with sound input and output devices. Can students clearly hear others? Can others clearly hear the student? Testing with a buddy can help find and eliminate problems.
Judges will be familiar with students’ projects as they have previewed the virtual display boards prior to the student’s arrival. However, it is highly encouraged that students have their virtual display board file open so they can “Share Screen” and walk judges through their presentation. Students should practice screen sharing and run a mock presentation to teachers prior to competing at ASEF.
Regional Fair Administrators and teachers will be sent a master schedule of student interview times. Students should review this schedule to be sure they do not miss their interview time. Students should plan on arriving in their virtual Zoom waiting room 15 minutes prior to their assigned time.
From the Virtual Exhibit Hall lobby, students will choose to enter their appropriate division gallery hall (either Junior Division or Senior Division)
Student will use the navigation buttons to locate their project category door and enter the category gallery hall.
Students will use the navigation buttons to move around the category gallery hall until they locate their project.
Students will press the button to the left of their project to enter their Zoom session waiting room. Judges will admit the student when they are ready to begin the interview.
Judges may remain with the students for up to 15 minutes. Students should make a concise presentation to the judges keeping in mind that the majority of the time should be reserved for the judges to ask questions.
Once all of the category judging has been completed, judges will meet by category to tally scores and determine category winners.
Senior Division – Category Heads and Best of Fair Judges will meet to determine which projects will be called back for a second round of interviews to determine which Best of Fair projects will advance directly to compete at the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF). Best of Fair interviews will take place on a separate day (TBD).
Teachers and Fair Administrators will be notified when the list of winners has been posted to the ASEF website. All awards will be mailed directly to the schools for distribution to students.
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