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Southern Business and Economic Journal
The SBEJ was first published in 1978 and is currently distributed to 800 individuals and libraries across the country and in many parts of the world. The journal serves as a publishing outlet for a variety of disciplines including economics and agricultural economics, finance, accounting, management, information systems and others. The SBEJ is listed in the EBSCO Online Data Base and is in the Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities: Accounting, Economics and Finance.
The AUM College of Business mission is to prepare students for successful careers by providing quality educational opportunities utilizing dedicated faculty, stakeholder collaboration, and small class sizes.

Southern Business and Economic Journal
Subscription and
Submission Fees
The Southern Business and Economic Journal (SBEJ) is published two times a year, and the subscription and submission fees are as follow:
Individual Subscription: $50 per year
Government Subscription: $50 per year
Library Subscription: $50 per year
Submission Fee: none
Publication Fee: $50 per article plus $10 per page
Please make check payable to: Southern Business and Economic Journal.
Contact and Mailing Information
Mail: The Southern Business & Economic Journal
Department of Business Administration, Room 303
College of Business, Auburn University at Montgomery
P.O. Box 244023
Montgomery, AL 36124-4023
Phone: 334-244-3509
Fax: 334-244-3792
To submit a manuscript or to subscribe, E-mail: [email protected]