2015 Winners Alumni Association Graduate Merit Scholarships
2015 Winners Alumni Association Graduate Merit Scholarships
The Auburn University at Montgomery Alumni Association recently awarded its annual Graduate Study Merit Scholarships to three outstanding AUM students. The AUM Alumni Association Graduate Study Merit Scholarships are awarded annually to deserving graduate students at AUM. The scholarships require recipients maintain a GPA of 3.4 or higher, enroll in and complete nine hours each semester, and be continuously enrolled for each semester covered by the award.
The $1,000 scholarships, funded by alumni memberships, were awarded by the AUM Alumni Board of Directors to Heather Adams, Jessica DeVine and Julie Fugate.
Adams earned an undergraduate degree from Florida State University in Political Science and English Literature and is pursuing a Master of Liberal Arts. Adams is a current resident of Luverne but has had the opportunity to live abroad in Scotland and South Korea where she taught English classes. She currently works as a Research Assistant at AUM and serves as an editorial assistant for The Mark Twain Journal. Adams also volunteers for AUM’s SchOLARS program and is currently the co-editor of The Filibuster, AUM’s literary magazine.

Pictured above L to R: Julie Fugate, Elizabeth Fritz (Scholarship Selection Committee), Jessica DeVine
Not pictured: Heather Adams
Devine is pursuing a Master of Public Administration. She earned an undergraduate degree in English from Auburn University and plans to apply her talents and previous work experience in the nonprofit sector to a career in public service. DeVine currently works full-time for Auburn University’s Waste Reduction and Recycling Department where she assists with contract management.
Fugate earned her undergraduate degree in International Business from Oklahoma State University and is pursuing a Master of Business Administration with a specialty in Management. As an Alabama Goodwill Ambassador, Fugate sponsors foreign Air Force officers while they attend professional military education at Maxwell Air Force. She plans to pursue a civilian career in human resource management with the Department of Defense upon her graduation.