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Campus Mail
Convenient mailing and shipping services are provided by AUM’s mailroom, located in the Taylor Center. We offer many of the same services as the U.S. Postal Service (USPS), including mailing packages, selling postage, providing certified mail and more.
Those who have a mailbox may check them 24 hours a day, but the mailroom does not receive or distribute mail or packages over the weekend.
Housing students may sign up for a mailbox by completing the mailbox request form on the Housing Forms page of the Housing Online System via MyAUM.
Students must pick up their packages in person using your Warhawk ID. No one else may pick up your package for you. Small parcels will go in your mailbox if they fit.
There is a $50 fee for unreturned or lost mailbox keys.
For USPS mail, use this address format:
Your name as it appears on your Warhawk ID (no nicknames, no one else’s name)
AUM, Your box number
P.O. Box 244024
Montgomery, AL 36124
Please do not add the street address, residence hall or room number. Mail that is not addressed properly will be returned to the sender.
For UPS and FedEx, use this address format:
Your name
AUM, Your box number
7400 East Dr., Room 127
Montgomery, AL 36117
Faculty and Staff
For faculty and staff, mail and small packages are dropped off at your building daily, usually at your dean’s or department head’s administrative office. You will receive an email when a package arrives for you, but if it’s small enough, we will deliver it with other mail.
Large packages must be picked up from the mailroom.
Please bring your Warhawk ID and your own cart for transport.
Offices and departments in Taylor Center must pick up mail from the mailroom directly – there is no delivery to Taylor Center offices.