Warhawk Weekly 11–29: International experience; Campus presentation today
Warhawk Weekly 11–29: International experience; Campus presentation today
Warhawk Spotlight: Diversity and Collaboration
Fulbright trip puts vice chancellor in international students’ shoes
Carolyn Campbell-Golden, vice chancellor for Advancement at Auburn University at Montgomery, recently returned from Germany, where she learned about the European country’s higher education system, shared best practices with fellow international educators, and visited memorials that underscored the importance of peace and collaboration.

Today: Campus presentation from Associate Provost for Enrollment Management and Student Success candidate
Dr. Courtney Griffin, a candidate for AUM’s Associate Provost for Enrollment Management and Student Success position, will visit campus today to interview and make a presentation.
Students, faculty and staff are invited to attend the presentation and participate in the Q&A afterward.
Griffin’s curriculum vitae can be viewed here.
Today, Nov. 29 | 2–2:45 p.m. | Goodwyn Hall 109
Study Abroad posts e-journal
AUM is among the top universities in the state by the percentage of students who study abroad. Take a look at some of the highlights from AUM Study Abroad in its first e-journal.
Education students serve Thanksgiving luncheon
On Wednesday, November 16, students in Dawn Ellis’s (AUM ’08) class at Peter Crump Elementary prepared and served a Thanksgiving feast. Teacher candidates from AUM helped facilitate the learning activity. The elementary students learned about budgeting, sequencing and following directions, as well as cooking safety. The students not only cooked the side dishes, but they also served the meal to their guests.
Officials from the state and local education agencies participated in the event. In addition, there was 100 percent of classroom parent participation for the event. There is a whole lot of learning going on at Peter Crump Elementary thanks to the hard work of the Crump staff and teacher candidates like Jake Carnley and Regina Talbert.

Student Affairs asst. vice chancellor publishes article, presents at ALCA
Dr. Yulanda Tyre, LPC-S, recently published an article entitled Grit: Building Resiliency in Counselor Educators in the Alabama Counseling Association Journal. She presented the article at the 50th annual conference for the Alabama Counseling Association, held in Birmingham on November 16–18.
Juanita Barnett, ALC, Crisis Counselor of Counseling & Health Promotion Services also published an article and presented during the conference. Barnett is a second year doctoral student attending Auburn University in the Counselor Education and Leadership program.
Occasional meals for student athletes
Around this time of year, faculty, staff, boosters and parents like to invite our out-of-state and international students to their home for a holiday meal. For student athletes, this is considered an occasional meal.
An occasional meal is a meal benefit incidental to a student’s participation in intercollegiate athletics. AUM institutional staff members, boosters and parents are allowed to provide an occasional meal to a student-athlete or team member on an infrequent basis with prior approval from the Department of Athletics.
The NCAA requires institutions to monitor awards and benefits incidental to a student’s participation in intercollegiate athletics. To ensure meals provided by institutional staff members, boosters and team members’ parents to student athletes comply, we ask that you complete the approval process.
- Notify the Head Coach or the Department of Athletics of your intentions to provide an occasional meal to team members.
- The Head Coach or the Department of Athletics will provide you with the necessary paperwork to complete your request.
- Submit the occasional meal form to the Athletic Compliance Office
- Once the documentation has been reviewed, you will receive a notification regarding the status of your request.
We are committed to the principle of institutional control and operating our athletics program in a manner consistent with the letter and spirit of the NCAA, Gulf South Conference and Auburn University at Montgomery regulations. Please contact the Athletics Compliance Office if you have any questions. Remember to always ask before you act.
Teaching Professor Conference funding
CELT is offering the opportunity to receive funds to attend the Teaching Professor Conference in early June 2017. Preference will go to those recommended directly by deans and department heads, but faculty may self-nominate as well.
CELT wants to help faculty recognize the benefit of teaching conferences by taking a few faculty to one of these conferences each year where they can be exposed to new ideas and research about teaching. Not only is it about being better teachers. It’s a great way to learn some new tricks of the trade and recharge your battery.
Please visit the CELT Grant Application to apply. The deadline is December 1, 2016.
Nominations for library faculty, staff awards
The library is accepting nominations for its 2016 Betty J. Tims Friends of the AUM Library Faculty and Staff Service Awards. The awards recognize individuals for outstanding dedication to activities and functions that lead to improvements in library services, for dedicated effort in providing or improving access to library holdings, or for offering quality suggestions that result in more efficient and/or more cost-effective library operations. Nominations must be submitted via the online nomination form by December 9.

Simmons invited to contribute chapters in new series
Dr. Michael B. Simmons, distinguished research professor in the Department of History, World Languages and Cultures, has been invited by the editors at T&T Clark (Edinburgh, Scotland, UK) to contribute two chapters to volume four of a new series that focuses on the reception of Paul by the Early Church Fathers. It will be titled The Reception of Paul in the Ante-Nicene Period and is scheduled to be published in early 2018.
Simmons’ chapters will cover the influence of Paul of Tarsus on two North African church fathers, Arnobius of Sicca and his student Lactantius, the Christian Cicero who eventually taught at the imperial court of Diocletian. Paul of Tarsus, an Apostle of Jesus Christ, is credited with writing approximately 25 percent of the New Testament.
An international team of scholars will contribute the other chapters in the series. The prior three volumes in the series have been on the reception of Paul in Tertullian, the Apostolic Fathers, and Irenaeus.
Historical society crowds to Farrow talk
On Friday, November 11, Dr. Lee A. Farrow, distinguished teaching professor and CELT director, spoke about her book Alexis in America to a packed house at the Filson Historical Society in Louisville, Kentucky. Farrow has been invited back next year to speak on her latest book, Seward’s Folly: A New Look at the Alaska Purchase, published this month by the University of Alaska Press.

College of Education provides VAL
The College of Education at Auburn University at Montgomery is proud to provide Alabama’s only Virtual Avatar Laboratory (VAL) through Mursion, Inc.
Mursion’s mixed reality platform uses a combination of artificial intelligence and live actors to deliver powerful simulations that mimic the most challenging interactions that teachers face on the job. This blend of technology and human performance creates a fully immersive and challenging simulation environment where learners are forced to take risks, without harming students, from which they can learn how to improve their day-to-day performance with immediate evidence based feedback.
Beyond the College of Education, a wide range of partners such as colleges, non-academic units, school systems, Alabama State Department of Education and other outside organizations can also use Mursion’s immersive training simulator to improve or customize an interpersonal learning environment. Partners with a wide ranged of needs can expect immersive personalized learning the VAL because it:
- Models what research says works best for adult learners
- Focuses on discrete skills and produces common performance errors
- Promotes self-reflection and accelerates professional growth
- Meets partners where they are and enables them to practice skills they can use tomorrow
The VAL is located in Room 100 of the Education building and is available Monday–Friday from 8 a.m.–7:30 p.m. (depending on prior scheduling). Scheduling to use the VAL can be found on the COE website.
For more information and pricing details, contact Dr. Kate D. Simmons at [email protected] or 334-244-3590.
Professors -N- Pajamas
Join Housing and Residence Life at our semi-annual Professors -N- Pajamas event. You’ll have an opportunity to study for your exams with professors, enjoy bottomless breakfast buffet, and earn some AUMazing prizes.
Wednesday, Nov. 30 | 8 p.m. | Taylor Center 221-223 and 230

Feedback better, mobile, eco-friendly with online course evals
No more paper! AUM’s new online course evaluation system, Curtiss Course Critiques, will help you…
- Improve your learning experience by giving feedback to instructors in your major
- Complete evaluations quickly and easily on any mobile device
- Ensure responses will remain confidential and evaluation results will not be available to instructors until after they’ve submitted final grades
Keep an eye out for an email from the Office of the Provost with information about how to access Curtiss Course Critiques and complete your evaluations.
Curtiss Course Critiques Schedule for Fall 2016:
Open Date | Close Date | |
2nd Half and Full Terms | 11/7/2016 | 11/29/2016 |

Let’s Talk provides counseling services
Overwhelmed with school? Stressed about finals? Visit Let’s Talk, a program sponsored by the AUM Counseling Center that engages students by providing brief informal walk-in consultations with a counselor.
Let’s Talk is free and held every Tuesday from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. in Room 126 of the Taylor Center and every Wednesday from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. in Room 109 of Clement Hall. For more information, contact the AUM Counseling Center at [email protected] or 334-244-3469.
AUMnibus job openings
The AUMnibus is looking for a new editor in chief and a webmaster/web content manager. For more information about the available positions, check out the AUMnibus webpage.
Please send resume and letter of interest to Dr. Silvia Giagnoni, AUMnibus academic advisor, at [email protected].