a man wearing a suit and tie

Zongli Tang

Professor | College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
334-244-3188 [email protected] Liberal Arts, 144F Sociology, Anthropology, & Social Work
I joined the AUM faculty in 2001 and received my Ph.D. in Demography/Sociology from University of Alberta, Canada, a master’s degree in Economics from Wuhan University, China, a master’s degree in Sociology from University of Regina, Canada, and a bachelor’s degree in Political Economy from Anhui University, China. Before joining the faculty at AUM, I was a social scientist at Massachusetts Institute for Social Economic Research, University of Massachusetts (Amherst), where, as the state demographer, I was elected as a member of the steering committee in the Federal State Cooperative Program for Population Estimates (FSCPE). I was also the principal investigator of several projects granted by the US Census Bureau and the state government. Currently, I am an Full Professor of Sociology at AUM. My research interests cover the following areas: population studies, racial/ethnic studies (including ethnic cultures), political economy, and urbanization with a quantitative focus. I have published six books, a number of book chapters and research papers in internationally and nationally recognized journals.  I have made more than 50 presentations and lectures at national and international conferences. The courses that I have taught include Introduction to Sociology, Research Methods, Social Statistics, Minority Groups, Demographic Techniques, International Economy, and Thinking Philosophy in China and Japan.