Dr. Donald Amoroso

Donald Amoroso

Distinguished Teaching Professor | College of Business
334-244-3259 [email protected] Clement Hall, 310C Management Information Systems

Dr. Amoroso is Distinguished Teaching Professor of Innovation and Strategy at Auburn University Montgomery, Alabama, Founder and CEO of Axcell LLC Consulting Group. Dr. Amoroso received his MBA and Ph.D. from the University of Georgia in 1984 and 1986, respectively. Dr. Amoroso has authored 54 refereed journal articles, 12 refereed book chapters and 88 conference proceedings, and 5 books. He has been Research Fellow at Asian Institute of Management in Manila, Philippines and Visiting Professor of Nagoya University of Commerce & Business, Japan. He has been Visiting Professor at Tokyo Tech University, Japan, Tsukuba University, Japan, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia, Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra Australia, and INFOTEC, Mexico City. His working experience included working in GE Capital as a director of Enterprise Solutions and with Solista/GartnerGroup as a consulting partner. Dr. Amoroso is currently working in Japan and the Philippines to consult with telecom organizations on consumer adoption and the mobile strategy ecosystem. He worked with the Center for the Commercialization of Advanced Technologies (CCAT) in Washington D.C. and San Diego where he commercialized over 24 products and assisted in the start up of 14 new companies.

Dr. Amoroso has published in journals such as Journal of Management Information Systems, Data Base, Information & Management, Asian Pacific Journal of Information Systems, Journal of Information Technology Management, International Journal of Information Management, International Journal of Management, Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations, International Journal of E-Business Research, International Journal of Technology Diffusion, and International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management. Dr. Amoroso is on the editorial board of key journals and Associate Editor for the Journal of E-Adoption and Information Systems Management Journal. He was inducted into the Who’s Who Worldwide in 1995 for contributions to international organizations changing the distribution of technology information within the Pacific Rim.

Dr. Amoroso conducts seminars and/or teaches in the areas of strategy, innovation and creativity, big data with data analytics, data analysis, leadership, change management, HR management, business process modeling, competitive intelligence, and project management. Dr. Amoroso has consulted with over 67 international organizational executives (such as GE Japan, BMW Japan, Globe and Smart telecommunication firms in the Philippines, and banks and financial institutions) working with CEOs and CIOs to develop strategic plans, leadership development and marketing strategies, enterprise resource management systems, change management programs, and projects for information technology. Dr. Amoroso is currently working in Japan and the Philippines to consult with telecom organizations on consumer adoption and the mobile strategy ecosystem.