a woman smiling for the camera

Erin Boyle

Lecturer | College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences
334-244-3376 [email protected] Clement Hall, 330A English and Philosophy

Erin M. Boyle is an English Lecturer at Auburn University at Montgomery where she teaches all levels of English composition. Prior to teaching composition, Erin worked as a tutor in the AUM Learning Center, where she gained valuable insights into the unique needs of the student population. These experiences ultimately led to her decision to complete the Master of Teaching Writing degree in Fall of 2019.

As a part of the English Composition Program, Erin has contributed to the development of a curriculum that focuses on reflection and teaching for transfer. One of Erin’s favorite parts of teaching composition is the opportunities she finds to learn alongside her students.

Outside of teaching, she enjoys writing poetry, crocheting, and spending time with her husband and four kids. She lives in Pike Road, Alabama, where she enjoys life in the country with her family.