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Undergraduate Research
Undergraduate research provides invaluable opportunities for you to deepen your understanding of your discipline or to prepare for graduate school. In many cases, these opportunities lead into topics for Honors theses.
Faculty, if you haven’t already worked with Honors students, you’ll find that mentoring them in research is rewarding and that they can make meaningful contributions to your project.
Provide information about your research project and we can share it with Honors students.
Current Projects
Department of Psychology, College of Sciences
Prof. Clarissa Arms-Chavez
Project Timeline
Start: Open
End: Open
Average of 5 hours a week. This is flexible.
In this study, we will continue to examine how a single bout of intense exercise and repeated exposure to individuating information changes the accessibility to person versus group-based (i.e., group stereotypes) memories. This experiment requires all research assistants to be CPR certified. You’ll also learn how to use a cycle ergometer, monitor heart rates, and test for blood pressure.
This experiment will likely take a year to complete. Students should be either a psychology major or minor. This is a rather arduous experimental design. Students should be dependable, motivated, and have flexible schedules.
Students will be expected to run the experiment and help train other students to run the experiment. Students will be expected to read literature on background theories involved within the experiment. Students may also be involved in writing an IRB protocol and data analysis (via SAS).
Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Technology; College of Education
Prof. Tara Beziat
Project Timeline
Start: Open
End: Open
1 – 5 hours a week.
My research topic is metacognition. Cleaning and sorting survey data. Finding and summarizing articles including annotations.
No qualifications necessary
Reviewing Data sets collected through Qualtrics and sorting and cleaning the data using Excel. If time allows, I can work with the student to show them how to use SPSS- statistical software. Conducting literature reviews.
Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work; College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Prof. Kim Brackett
Project Timeline
Start: Grandparenting is in progress so the student could start now.
End: When the manuscript is submitted, but we could find another project after that — there are at least 5 articles planned from the data.
I am flexible on this. It depends on student availability.
Constructions of family life and pathways to family formation. Currently we have data about family ministry and I am interested in looking at grandparents as part of the family experience.
My past research includes examinations of dating and relationship formation. I’d love to work on some of these topics again.
I do some additional work on pedagogy and meta-cognition. A curiosity I currently have involves the evolving language in the area of gender.
I’d like to work with a student for longer than just one semester. It’s important that the student have a basic understanding of sociological concepts and an academic interest in personal relationships. Curiosity about society is a huge plus.
Reading and literature review work on grandparenting and family ministry. Possible interview question development, IRB protocol work, and data collection around a gender study or dating study.
Department of Information Systems, College of Business
Prof. Chris Bang
Project Timeline
Start: 1/10/2020
End: 5/20/2021
Average of 5 hours a week.
Developing a computer application to collecting data from online forum(like Reddit) or SNSs. Otherwise, modifying existing application (which I am already using)
Computer programming
Students are expected develop or upgrading a computer application can facilitate researches which leverage secondary data from Internet.
Department of Computer Science, College of Sciences
Prof. Semih Dinc
Project Timeline
Start: Open
End: Open
3 – 5 hours a week.
I am currently working on Machine Learning / Computer Vision / Robotics related research projects.
Computer Science major with experience of programming and math. I do not require significant experience, just willing to learn would be sufficient.
Department of English, College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Prof. Bob Evans
Project Timeline
Start: Open
End: Open
For the past half decade I have been editing a series of books on literary topics, including authors, themes, and titles. I try to include student essays in these books, along with essays by prominent faculty from throughout the world. To get a sense of what has been published so far, go here and look for “Critical Insights”:
Any student who can write clearly and is dedicated to serious scholarship is a potential candidate.
Depends on the qualifications of the student; usually the writing of an essay is required.
Department of History, World Languages, and Cultures, College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Prof. Lee Farrow
Project Timeline
Start: Open
End: Open
Negotiated, flexible.
I am considering writing my next book on the travels of Emmeline Pankhurst, the British feminist and suffragette, in Russia. Pankhurst visited Russia during the Russian Revolution, eager to capitalize on the changes taking place to further the rights of women. A student could help me research for mentions of this in secondary literature and, possibly, newspapers
Any major, but student needs to be thorough and pay attention to details.
Secondary research online; ordering potential sources through interlibrary loan and copying relevant pages; possibly research in newspapers online or on microfilm.
Department of Biology, College of Sciences
Prof. Pete Haddix
Project Timeline
Start: Open
End: Open
Depends on the credit hour option for our research course BIOL 4932 Directed Research: 1 credit = 3 hours; 2 credits = 6 hours; 3 credits = 9 hours
Research in microbiology involving the biological function of a red pigment produced by Serratia marcescens bacteria. My ongoing work has shown that the pigment modulates in a complex manner the production of the energy storage compound ATP.
Junior or Senior standing; successful completion of two semesters of general chemistry with their labs as well as microbiology and its labs.
Experimental work on the project using laboratory equipment including a spectrophotometer and a chemostat. Data analysis and conclusion using Microsoft Excel. Preparation of a poster presentation describing the results.
Department of Political Science and Public Administration, College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Prof. David Hughes
Project Timeline
Start: Open
End: Open
The student would be responsible for collecting data about candidates for state courts of last resort between 2002 and 2014.
The student should either be enrolled presently or have already satisfactorily passed POLS 2020 (Introduction to American Politics). Students should also be proficient in Microsoft Excel.
Researching candidate biographies and recording their results in Microsoft Excel.
Department of Criminal Justice , College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Prof. Jackie McNett
Project Timeline
Start: Open
End: Open
Flexible: 1-3 hours a week
Media Content Analysis of Forensic Files
Department of English and Philosophy, College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
Prof. Lilian Mina
Project Timeline
Start: Started
End: No end date yet but this is a long project and I also have others that the student can help with.
I’m starting a project on students’ writing and designing activities performed in co- and extra-curricular activities in their first year at AUM. These activities may be performed as part of AUM clubs and organizations or in off-campus events. I’ll be collecting the artifacts students produce at these activities, survey them at the beginning and end of the study, and ask them to write short reflections at three points during the study.
Attention to details and punctuality is all I’m looking for; the rest I can train the student to do. I’d like for the student to work for more than one semester to develop that understanding of the project and to develop expertise in research.
I’d like for a research assistant to help with collecting artifacts from students participating in co- and extra-curricular activities; library and internet research possibly with annotations; sorting and organizing verbal data. The students may also contact potential participants to encourage them to participate in the study.